
A medium is someone who is sensitive to the vibrations of the spirit world, and functions as its instrument to convey messages.  While professional mediums often were aware of spirit from childhood and have well-honed skills, any individual is able to ‘unfold’ their latent abilities and develop a better connection to, and understanding of, the spirit world.  This might be desired in order to communicate directly with ones own deceased loved ones, or to receive direction from ones spirit guides/teachers.  Regular communion with spirit also assists us in our spiritual progression, that is, to better understand our own journey and to become more at peace, loving and joyful.

Spiritual Development Circles

Attunement to the spirit world begins with quieting the mind in order to register their subtle messages.  Thus, learning the process of spirit communication is aided by committing to a regular meditation practice.  Circles for spiritual development involve a group of people sitting together to meditate.  The circle is overseen by a leader who is knowledgeable on spirit and spirit contact, to help others who are developing understand phenomena that can take place within the group.  The circle leader may begin the meditation with a ‘talk down’ to ease participants from their busy daily thoughts towards an inward and quiet focus before leaving them in silence (or soft background instrumental music) to meditate on their own.  Afterwards the leader will offer each participant the chance to share their experience and perceptions, and will help place the information received with the correct recipient in the circle.

SSB Circles

  • Wednesdays ~ 7:00pm-9:00pm ONLINE. Click on the poster below to REGISTER for online circles or send the fee by e-transfer to